Why You Should Automate Your Palletizing Operations RIGHT NOW!
You can boost productivity and reduce costs & injury rates immediately using Rapid Robotics' "Robotics-as-a-Service" palletizing workcell - Learn how our customers are solving their:
Labor Shortages
Injuries/Workers Comp Costs
Consistency & Operational Bottlenecks

Robotic Palletizing
Palletizing is a crucial operation in manufacturing and logistics, but using human labor is dangerous and expensive. What's more, manual palletizing requires pulling workers off of more productive, value-added tasks.
Replace manual handling with an adaptable robotic solution that never gets tired, never gets injured, and stacks every pallet precisely and consistently. Automation lowers costs, reduces the risk of injury, and increases efficiency.
The Rapid Palletizing Solution in Action
To meet the challenge of growing labor shortages combined with the rising complexity of material handling and fulfillment, you need a palletizing solution that can adapt to your evolving business.
Rapid's vision-based AI platform powers a configurable palletizing workcell that handles a huge range of palletizing tasks without adding risk or complexity to your operation.
Our team handles everything from programming, to installation, to 24/7 support. Flexible pricing, including an optional Robotics-as-a-Service model, puts robotics and ROI within reach, without significant up front costs. What are you waiting for?
“We’ve seen units per labor hour go up significantly,
all which translates to a major impact on our bottom line.”
– Bill Bellingham, VP of Manufacturing at Behrens Manufacturing

The Impact of Rapid Automation
Adding robots to your facility is about more than relieving the pressure of labor shortages. Automating with Rapid instantly lowers your labor costs, improves consistency and stability in your palletizing tasks, and lets your staff focus on more productive, value-added work.
Thanks to your partnership with Rapid, you can automate without worrying about the burden of programming, installing, or maintaining robots.
Focus on growing your business. Let Rapid handle the robots.